DeMolay is an organization dedicated to preparing young men to lead successful, happy,
and productive lives. Basing its approach on timeless principles and practical, hands-on
experience. DeMolay opens doors for young men aged 12 to 21 by developing the civic
awareness, personal responsibility and leadership skills so vitally needed in society today.
DeMolay combines this serious mission with a fun approach that builds important bonds of
friendship among members in more than 1,000 chapters worldwide.
Leadership. Teamwork. Brotherhood. Challenge. Tradition. Excellence. You have discovered
the Order of DeMolay. Throughout your association with DeMolay, you wi11 be part of the
fun, excitement, pride and prestige associated with the premier leadership training
organization for young men.
As a DeMolay, you will receive the benefits of tradition, fraternalism, social involvement,
athletic teamwork, leadership and a worldwide network of friends with a common bond and
benefits you will enjoy for the rest of your life.
The Order of DeMolay has taken the virtues and best values from ancient chivalry and
translated them into modem concepts and uses. The purpose isto make you a better son
today and a better leader, father and citizen tomorrow.
DeMolay supports the home, the public schools and the free practice ofreligion. Today's
DeMolay program builds leaders / young men who:
- See themselves honestly.
- See what they want in life and aet goals.
- Are strong enough to follow through on a plan.
- Express themselves sincerely.
- Plan ahead for their activities.
You will control your own destiny as a Chapter member. You, and young men
like you, will run the Chapter, including social, athletic, civic and fund-raising
activities. Along the way, youll discover things about yourself that you'll usethe
rest of your life. You will learn to look at your DeMolay membership card as a passport
to a worldwide brotherhood. A new world of responsibruty, challenge and fun is open to you.
There is so much to learn. There is much to do. With your dedication and leadership,
DeMolay will continue to provide a positive fraternal experience for you and other
young men.. The future leaders of our society